Read our blog and reflect on your experiences. There’s always something to learn about life.
These quirky thought comics were made with hidden clues and deeper meanings, share them with friends or allow them to help you understand the reality of life and some common lessons that apply to everyone, regardless of age, background or gender.
Don’t lose hope. Life is preparing you for something better. Have faith and be patient
Nothing in life is permanent. Just like night goes and day comes, and rainy season passes and summer or winter comes, your life also has different seasons and whatever it is you are going through, will also pass. Life is beautiful and you will eventually see it’s beauty and the truth, one day or another….
Self-Respect : Not being able to leave a bad relationship or friendship
When you are surrounded by people who don’t make you feel loved or valued, ask yourself why do you stay? Where have you been trained
Self Awareness – being your most authentic self
‘This above all: to thine own self be true” said Shakespeare in his play Hamlet.
Who are you within? Do your friends and family know who you are? Are you a person who can be themselves with others, or do you hide your self to be accepted? Do you try too hard to fit in, with the fear that ‘they’ won’t accept you? That they won’t like you? Don’t try to be someone you are not, find your tribe
Moving and letting go after a breakup
Moving on can be tough, especially if they were a big part of your life and you don’t know what to do anymore. A breakup can feel like a tree being uprooted and it takes time to grieve the loss of someone who was dear to…
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional
“We suffer not from the events in our lives, but from our judgements about them” – Epictetus How is it possible that someone who’s lost